Reports & Meeting Documents
The Airport Authority holds regular public meetings on the first and third Monday of the following months: February, April, May, June, October. Meetings are held only on the third Monday of the following seven months: January, March, July, August, September, November, December. Meetings take place at 9 a.m. in the Sky Room, located in the administrative offices on the second floor of the main terminal building. Parking in Lot G is validated for those attending the meetings.
The Authority has three standing committees that meet on a regular basis in the administrative offices on the second floor of the main terminal building. The public is welcome to attend, and parking in Lot G is validated. The Operations and Development Committee and the Legal, Government and Environmental Affairs Committee both meet at 8:30 a.m., preceding the regular Authority Commission meeting. The Finance and Administration Committee meets on Authority meeting dates at 9:30 a.m. or immediately following the full Authority meeting.
Executive Committee meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Sky Room.
An agenda for each regular meeting of the full Authority and its standing committees will be posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting in the display case in the entryway of the main terminal building, located at 2627 N. Hollywood Way.
AB 361 Notice:
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e), members of the Commission may participate in meetings via teleconference. Members of the public may observe meetings and offer comment in person, or observe telephonically and may offer comment in real time through the phone number listed in the meeting notice.
Airport Authority Commission Meeting
Notices & Agendas
Executive Committee
Meeting Notices & Agendas
Operations & Development Committee
Meeting Notices & Agendas
Legal, Government & Environmental Committee Meeting Notices & Agendas
Finance & Administration Committee Meeting Notices & Agendas
Citizen’s Advisory Committee Meeting Notices & Agendas (CAC)
Airport Rules and Regulations
Development Agreement & Extensions
Recorded Development Agreement (2017) |
Amendment 3 |
Amendment 2 |
Amendment 1 |
Recorded Development Agreement (2005) |
Financial Statements
Joint Power Authority
2024 – Resolution No. 513 – BGPAA Commission Code of Conduct |
2017 – Amendment #2 to Joint Power Agreement |
2003 – Amendment #1 to Joint Power Agreement |
1991 – Joint Power Agreement |